There’s a pretty high ceiling for the losses everybody has incurred in the past due to content piracy. Assuming that piracy both increases supply and reduces demand, it eventually and unambiguously hurts producer revenue. Two primary sources of the … Continue reading
As Net Neutrality continues to scorch earth for telecom operators and ISPs alike all over the globe, and following the recent 3-2 Democrat-Republican voting victory for Net Neutrality in the United States, Telecom Regulatory Authority of India has called … Continue reading
With a sharp 3-2 Democrats over Republicans vote, the Federal Communications Commission has laid out a new parameter for internet regulations, subtly replacing the broadband service providers with the Government regulator as the new internet gatekeepers. Backed by internet giants … Continue reading
We are excited to announce the addition of ‘Auto Signup’ feature to Muvi, with a ‘FREE 14-DAYS TRIAL’ bundled with all premium features. The FREE TRIAL button is a single click pathway to owning your own branded Video streaming platform, in less than … Continue reading
Very often we come across questions like, how much bandwidth does a video streaming site playing a movie consumes? How much bandwidth did that movie or TV show consume? How much bandwidth will my VoD Platform / Video Streaming Site consume? … Continue reading
India could soon have access to incredibly cheap high-speed wireless internet delivered over the last mile without wires, if a Microsoft project that taps unused wireless spectrum to provide free internet to rural regions receives Govt. clearance. Microsoft’s tech uses the unused buffer frequencies — “white … Continue reading
With The Interview raking in USD 34 million collections from online VoD collections, which is significantly higher than the USD 2 million it was able to manage in theatres across North America in the first 4 days following Christmas. Is … Continue reading
Netflix, the American on-demand television and movie streaming service, is growing its audience in Australia without even launching in the local market. A new study has found that Netflix is the second most popular paid-content media company in Australia, despite not … Continue reading
As the world ushers towards the second half of the decade, the rise of the digital age has seen a revolution in many industries and has changed the way people view, behave and interact with the real world. Internet-of-things (IoT) … Continue reading
With the new government talking about implementing e-governance, India has started using digital and social media as the primary mode of communication. Hence it is expected that new technologies would now achieve mainstream adoption faster. The Indian government backed up … Continue reading